Contact and directions
How to contact us?
For any question, you can contact by :
- Telephone : +33 (0)3 86 45 45 41
- Email:
- Mail:
65 route des Germonts
89350 Villeneuve-les-Genêts

How to get to the campsite
- Access via the A77 motorway:
- Access via the A6 motorway:
- Our GPS coordinates:
exit n° 20 at Briare,
follow the D47 to Bléneau, then Villeneuve les Genêts.
When you arrive in the village, follow the signs to the campsite (3.5 km into the countryside).
exit n° 18 Joigny – Toucy, follow Charny then Champignelles by the D16.
In Champignelles, direction Tannerre-en-Puisaye by the D7 for about 2 km,
then 1st road on the right (signposted to the campsite, 1.5 km).
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